Colours No 2

This is a follow up to Colours


One morning it dawned
on me.
Like a friendly bug it crawled
up my arm
And flew right on my cheek
while I yawned.

I heard it whisper
“I love you so;
Let me tell you
before I go:
Your colours have never
been crisper.”

I did not understand
at first.
Had my colours been reversed?
I thought.
And jumped right into my
inner sea.

And the calm sea was smiling
at me.
Because it was truly loving
the state
Of the awareness in which
I was diving.

All like a rainbow
it was.
And the sea burbled slow-
ly because
It had so many colours
to show.

So I went out to look
at them.
And I followed a brook
I found a light shining bright,
shining still.

Its gleam went right through
a gem.
And bundled into
a fan,
Spreading out way too far
to pursue.

So I sat myself down
in awe.
I was full of wonder
and saw
The result of the season
I pondered.

And I realized that now
I was present.
Saw myself having met
my own colours.
And they loved me and filled
a whole set.

And right there on my side
was a mirror.
The reflection a smile
and she
Was the colours, all shining
so bright.

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A poem by Pia Petersson
Painting by Pia Petersson

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